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Five ways to make $1,000 in under a month

Updated on September 27, 2015


A friend of mine was recently looking for a new flat - but needed to make at least $1,000. She's lived in the same place for nine years and is desperate for a change.

She's on social security so has to wait for the council to offer her a new place. What a way to live - having your fate decided by somebody else, being reliant on some box-ticker at the local authority.

The two of us visited a flat. It wasn't great. The area was a little shabby and the flat wasn't exactly what she was looking for. So now she has to wait another six months for the council to offer her a new place that she might like. Bummer.

So this got me thinking. How could she make $1,000 a month to cover the deposit and first month's rent upfront? Well, we had a little brainstorm (or mindmapping session as they're now called) and came up with some ides. Here are five different ways to easily make $1,000 in under a month.

Sell unwanted goods

Have a clear out at home and sell unwanted goods. Everybody has clutter in their homes. Some of this will be worth a fair amount of money.

Set aside a day to have a good rummage through all of your possessions and put to one side anything that can be sold. Old CDs, DVDs, books, musical instruments, furniture, paintings, antiques, toys, clothes and electrical goods are all great items to sell.

Sell the most expensive items on specialist sites such as eBay or Gumtree. Craigslist or UK Classifieds are also great sites for this. CDs, DVDs and books can all be sold on Amazon.

A car boot sale or garage sale are great ways to sell all the other items. Plus, ask around friends or neighbours if they have anything they want to sell. Offer to sell their items at your sale in return for 25 per cent of the price. This is a win win for everybody, and stalls at jumble sales always look better when there's a bigger variety of goods on sale. It draws in customers who are then likely to buy more items.

Join an online writing site

Online writing sites such as HubPages (as used by your author) are excellent places to start making serious money online. They can function as a place to earn extra income through writing online or they can be a powerful marketing tool for internet entrepreneurs to market their products. Plus, in addition to all of the revenue generated you get to express yourself creatively. It's a win win.

Most people using HubPages are able to build a following quite quickly. Then with an average of one article a day that takes around an hour to write it's possible to be bringing in a decent amount of online. Some HubPages users report making around $1,000 a month. Many others are able to easily make $100 a month of passive income.

HubPages will also serve as an excellent tool to market and sell another of your big money spinners. Keep reading to find out what that is...

To sign up and start earning $1,000 a month visit HubPages.

YouTube success: Trisha Paytas
YouTube success: Trisha Paytas | Source

Make YouTube videos for cash

YouTube is the biggest video sharing site on internet - and it's an excellent way to make money online. Choose to monetise your videos and you can easily pull in $200 a month.

So what do you make videos about? Well, it's surprising how popular even the most boring of videos can be. Take Trisha Paytas (blndsundoll4mj) or Nichole337 (Nichole337) for example. Their videos of themselves talking nonsense can receive 30,000 views within a day of being published. They're often viewed 100,000 within a month. Given an average return of $1 for a thousand views I make that $100 a video. Simply recording yourself showing off your personality and start reaping the rewards.

Another great idea from my mentor Robert Evans is to create how to videos on Youtube. These can prove very popular and lucrative, too. Perhaps you know a little trick for removing stains or you can play a musical instrument. Simply record yourself explaining how to do something and upload it to the web and within a few weeks you'll be getting paid.

Write a book

Everybody has at least one book in them. Or so the saying goes. If you're reading this I'd like to think that you have three or four books in you. Some people have dozens that make them multi-millionaires (JK Rowling!). But however many books you have in you, there's a big market online to make serious money with your book.

First of all, have a look at your life so far. Most people have great life stories full of triumphs, tribulations and successes. And people love reading about other people - especially real-life people just like them. Just take a look at the true-life section of your local book store. It's full of memoirs from ordinary people who have had extraordinary things happen to them. What could be better than writing down your life story? It will provide a lasting legacy that can be left for family members for decades to come. How I'd love it if my unknown great grandfather had recorded his life in words before he died.

But anyway. The plan here is to make money. Once you're written down your life story simply create an ebook and sell it though your own blog or through an online store such as Amazon.

Once the book's been published your family and close friends are sure to by a copy. Lets say that's around a dozen people as a conservative estimate. If the books sold for $5 that's already $60 right there. Then there's your extended circle of friends on Facebook and all of those online followers you now have after signing up to HubPages . That could be as many as 200 people and if each of them buys the book.... well you can do the math. You could even use HubPages and Youtube to market your product - and earn money from those same videos and articles. Boy, the internet really is set up to make people wealthy.

Give lessons

Just like everybody has a book in them, everybody has a skill that they can teach somebody else through lessons or they can provide as a paid for service. For example, perhaps you're an excellent dancer, or you know a second language or can play a musical instrument. Maybe you know about bricklaying or gardening. These are all sought-after skills that can be taught to other people.

Maybe you have a skill that can be sold as a service. For example, maybe you are great at painting, know how to give amazing massages, or you're a good cleaner. Maybe you're even just able to do somebody else's ironing. These services are all in demand.

To take advantage of your skills simply advertise yourself in the local store by putting a handwritten card in the window or post an advert about your services on internet message boards. Within a month you're sure to have attracted enough businesses to have made $1,000.


These have been five really easy ways that can be used together to make at least $1,000 in under a month. Some people who've been inspired after reading these may even go on to make $10,000 in a month. The possibilities are endless. Please also visit some of the sites and hubs that have inspired me that are listed below.


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